Mildly Internet
December 5, 2014 | business

Skip the Product Roadmap

Product Roadmaps are dangerous. By committing to a long term roadmap (several quarters in length) you are choosing to make decisions several months down the road with only the data you have today. In those months things will change - priorities, customer base, cash flow. Key personnel may leave your organization, or due to unexpected success your team may now be much larger. Being stuck to a rigid plan make its hard to adapt to these kinds of changes.

Its also rather silly to think that you will know what your customers want a year a from now. Don’t lock yourself into what the customer wants today, because I guarantee you their answer won’t be the same tomorrow.

Skip the countless planning meetings, discussions, and arguments that come with a roadmap. Stop trying to follow a plan thats going to be out of date the day after its put in place. Allow a better idea to come along - an idea you can adapt your plan to. Listen to today.